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This week was a miscellaneous week- so I tackled items that tend to clog up the to-do list, and also invested in some of our long-term content.

In addition to catching up on e-mails, plotting the #ComicShopList summer campaign, hitting the sketch of the month, catching up on livestream requests, adding Wayward Astronomer links to the Vivid site, laying the groundwork for Uberquest availability via Amazon,  and advancing the art for the upcoming card game, I got some preliminary concept done for the video game test level- and thought it'd be fun to share.  

Just a handful of the core nightmares- ones being considered for development within our test module.  The explanations here may not translate well, the notes are based on conversations the coder and I have had in the past.  

The hope is to have distinct enemies designed to maximize elegance and versatility from a game design standpoint...  I suspect the only way to truly achieve engaging results will be vigorous playtesting.   But we gotta start somewhere, and here it is.

Just so you know- stuff.  We do it.

Next few weeks are quota weeks for Volume 5 and Prelude- although with the card game Kickstarter aproaching and plush Whips shipping, I think we're going to have our hands full keeping up.

...Thanks to you for letting us move forward on all this content!
