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I've been focusing on Volume 5 work the past few days, and wanted to share an update to that effect with you guys.   Pencil blues!    

...Admittedly I added just a touch of toning to this, just because it's pretty that way.

The workflow goes:

Script >>> page thumbnail  >>> blue pencil sketch  >>> layout page & word balloons  >>> final pencils  >>> and then into the coloring pipeline.

As of now, we're 25% done with the pencils for Chapter 13.  

I need to make one of those little progress charts, so that info looks cooler.   But alas, charts must come later.

I still have a pile of Patreon sketch requests from the last Chat-n-Sketch I plan to finish.   And I need to shade the Christmas Prelude special for this year- will probably be streaming that tomorrow or Tuesday.   Plus we need to post a progress update on the Plush Kickstarter, prep the card game character reveal I missed this week for this coming Friday, and get the Halloween rewards in the mail, along with the prizes from the caption contest.   

So- plenty to do, but things are getting done!   In the meanwhile, enjoy the tournament entries- we have a hell of a battle coming up for you in the morning.  E ) 
