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And here's the sketch of the month- the idea was Vi, discovering a huge pinup poster featuring herself- plastered all over the Troika base as a prank...  With her reaction.

But there's just so much potential here, I wanted to see what you guys came up with.  So it's a Patrons-only caption contest!

Post your caption in the comments below- the comment with the most 'likes' or 'hearts' in a couple days will get something from us.    Not a hugely formal contest, just something fun.

The content of the posters was done in an inked style by Liz, to help make it seem more like an in-world illustration done by a determined and brave squadmate.  

Also, if anyone wants to photoshop entries into the text balloon, feel free!






"Why are those grenades so f***ing SMALL!"

Benjamin Varner

"Well, time for early target practice."

Benjamin Varner

(Outside contest) And there it is, in all its glory! Good job with the sketch, totally went all out and even made a little contest to go with it. Best sketch of the month IMO!!


"Maybe NOW they'll recognize who all of this belongs to..."


Alternatively "Sergeant Kessler, how kind of you to volunteer for KP duty..."


Also alternatively: "Looks like Nainso's gonna have to pick it up on recruiting. Cus' we're about to have a hell of a lot of casualties..."


"Indi, Dingo, I swear when I find you skanks, oh you better hope you can run..."


"By the Spirits when I find who did this"

Lord Kiyo

All my life, I have acquired a particular set of skills. Skills that makes me a nightmare for anyone. Who ever did this, I will look for them, I will find them, and I will kill them.

Michael Bungay

"Two days... they were here for two days...." is the first thing that comes to mind. Cus really, who else would be dumb enough to mess with Vi?

Jared Lynch

"Strike f***ing three Karo!"

Jared Lynch

Or alternatively, "Hmm... Nope, that's too damn accurate for survivors. "


"Take a deep breath... count to two... and then shoot something."


"Two to the chest, one to the head."


Bobby, I swear if you had ANYTHING to do with this, you're going to wish you were back at the orphanage.

Trygve Henriksen

That's the biggest d**n suicide note I've seen!


"One more day on the 'days since last incident' poster until the whole base got a pizza party... and now it'll need to be reset to '0'."


Alternatively: "Vi? Yes, Other Vi? Is this how you start a murderous rampage? Yes it is, Other Vi. Yes it is."


"Someone else gonna be plastered all over the walls".


"Never should of made that bet"

Garrett Simpson

"Oh,I'll do more than light a sparker in your heart,spirits I'll f@&$ing light up your face!"


"I'm never drinking with those idiots again....."


"Well...damn. At least it's tasteful. Now onto my murderous rampage."

Garrett Simpson

"Think I'm hot? I'll light a fire under your pants.... With my darling springer!"


I can see videos saying "Well at least boys will notice me now...."


Alternatively, i see all the comments saying shes gonna find and kill (or at least mortally wound) the person/s responsible. What if she likes it. "Maby now those assholes will see me as a female"


These are brilliant- when I (eventually) post this in the art accounts, I'll include some of these captions in the description area with your name. If you *don't* want to be listed, let me know here- I'll check this comment before posting. But at any rate, I enjoyed the hell outta these caption ideas, thank you! I'm contacting everyone who had 3 and up favorites as of this writing, because we have something for ya.


This is NOT what I meant when I said we needed recruitment incentives!

Matthew Dieck

"Well, at least we'll be able to recruit a replacement for whoever made this..."

Matthew Dieck

...I feel like, inside, she'd be having some monologue like, "I'm actually gonna kill this guy, but... damn, I'd f* me."