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This week's graphic novel update:  http://www.dreamkeeperscomic.com/GNSaga.php?pg=337  

Also this week- the bracket-1 matchups for the OC Tournament are posted:  http://dreamkeepers.deviantart.com/journal/OC-Tournament-Bracket-1-Schedule-650879537



Igor Zinenko

How much time did you spend on this page?


I don't remember, it was awhile ago. Probably a couple hours on blueline sketch, another 3-5 hours on pencils, Liz handled character color blocking- maybe 2-3 hours, a freelancer likely put a few hours of coloring into background blocking, then maybe 4 hours of lighting an polishing. And, of course, a round of spellchecking and polishing at the end of it all. All those steps are spread out, in an effort to keep things efficient. ^ ^;