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We're having a Chat-n-Sketch stream this Friday- times to be announced.

But what should I sketch?  You guys have first dibs.  

We're taking requests in the chat, but only after I finish drawing for the Patrons.   

I'm taking requests from all our Patrons, but prioritizing the ones from you guys ($5 and up) in case we get too many to complete them all.   

So, if you have an idea for a sketch, drop it in the comments!  Looking forward to Friday.  8 ) 



is everything ok as an idea(like namah and lilith taking together a bath)? XD


Draw a nude beach with some nearly nude images?


Woods trying to be seductive with the Indigo (sober this time XD) and their reactions please!


Miri and Lilith crossing paths, at the library or university perhaps


Failed CCA propaganda posters

Maximiliano Marin

An institution for mentally-ill patients


I could always use more sketches of Marsha Stoikos because the world can never have enough troika ladies <a href="http://t.facdn.net/20762580@400-1470363307.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://t.facdn.net/20762580@400-1470363307.jpg</a>


Mace and Karo playing at the orphanage, please.


how about namah rocking a great swimsuit


Troika or CCA maintenance garage. Insight into their gear and/or how they work

Zor Underpaw

A Troika Christmas gift exchange


How about Vi, Bobby, karo, and rumour as western type characters


I'd love to see Dave draw some of Tracy Butler's Lackadaisy characters. Preferably Rocky or Zib.

Matthew Dieck

I didn't realize there were two of these, so I'm gonna be a terrible person and post my idea in this one, as well. If you've got time, could you sketch the Dreamkeepers of Joel and Ellie from The Last of Us?


Yeah actually a lot of 5+ patrons posted on the other one because it was on the top of the list on update! I'm sure Dave will consider both when he has the final count.


I'd like to see the opposite situation of <a href="http://www.furaffinity.net/view/16634618/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.furaffinity.net/view/16634618/</a> In other words, Lilith teaching the Indigos. She's giving them some kind of academic lecture, pointing at complex formulas or diagrams on a chalkboard, and the Indigos are trying to take notes and looking flustered.


Mace and the orphan gang, dressed in cosplay, critiquing Vi on how they look in them


Feel free to shoot me down if I'm only allowed a single request (in which case do the Miri one) but it would be nice to see my friend's OC Amber drawn in your art style: <a href="http://mancoin.deviantart.com/art/A-tulip-for-Amber-595562971" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://mancoin.deviantart.com/art/A-tulip-for-Amber-595562971</a>


Maaaaaybe they could be wearing the same clothing? Just a thought :B