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Itching for a fight?

Sharpen that axe, load those cartridges, and fire up your power.  It's time for the first ever Dreamkeepers OC Tournament.  

Battle will be waged with scathing descriptions, urged on by the bellowing roar of the arena.

Gladiators square off in 1v1 matchups.  Each player submits a 300-word description of their action to us.   Then we'll host an online vote, and give spectators 24 hours to choose the victor.  

Which warrior is the most brutal?  Cleverest?  Funniest?  Most sympathetic?  Make your case on social media to gather the momentum for ultimate victory.

The champion gets to have their character featured on one of the cards within the upcoming 'Dreamkeepers: BRAWL' card game, and also wins a free first-edition copy of the game.

We'll announce the schedule for Bracket-1 fight dates in early December, after collecting the entrants.  Here's how you enter:

Keep an eye on our journal- we're getting an automated form ready, and will post the link when it's set for entries. 

Enter your character before December 5th to join the tournament- and to the victor go the spoils.

Also, this week we're announcing the next character to be featured in Brawl- Bast.  Vote on your favorite pose for the card art here:  




Benjamin Varner

I love the names you gave each of the character's poses XD and the poses are good ones too, another tough choice!!

Benjamin Varner

As for the contest, sounds frickin' awesome!! Though i'll see if I join or not.

Garrett Simpson

I love those poses;Very fitting for Bast's character!The contest had ought to be a lot of fun!