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 This week's graphic novel update:  http://www.dreamkeeperscomic.com/GNSaga.php?pg=334

Busy week!   Hit my Prelude quota, and five pages of pencils for Volume 5: https://www.patreon.com/posts/volume-5-new-7273481  I'm behind on messages, but caught up on drawing- perhaps someday I'll be able to do it all.  E ) 

But for now- V5 rolling, new Prelude coming, card game in the works- and  a new plush update soon.   




Thylacine character!


Nope, i just like the scientific name of the tasmanian wolf and how perfectly the species fits the character. ^^


Ah- yet another astounding animal that we have trampled in the dust. ='( The similarities are perfect! And that explains what I am talking about a lot. (Thylacine is a gene on the game Flight Rising that gives your dragon stripes down its back!