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Track 18 of the official Dreamkeepers soundtrack attached- the full album is available here:  http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/nikolasalbrecht

And I also have a question!   The pic above is a progress image of some painting I'm doing on a bit of sky, for the Wayward Astronomer poster and possibly also to use for the website backdrop.

My question is this:

Should I stick to posting finished, polished pieces of art, for a less cluttered Patreon feed?    Or do you guys like more art- even progress images, sketches, concept, stuff that might not be polished?

Less posting, reserving this feed for more polished material, or more posting, including more concept art and stuff?

Let me know your preferences in the comments below!    I want to make the Patreon as rewarding and fun for you as possible.  8 ) 




It'll be a strange day when DK fans ask for less content. I for one enjoy the concept side of the art production


sketchs are nice^^ also sketchs from pics who you decide not to finish or post or such things are nice^^

Sam Bush

Progress art all the way.


I really like the art that you guys put on here. Sketches included

Garrett Simpson

WIP stuff is great! If you feel like sharing it yourself then by all means do so! ;)


What you could do a completed piece once a month, so 3 weeks of sketch, inks, ideas, 1 week of a completed work of powerful art


Sketches and WIP's need to be more appreciated! So definitely down for seeing more of those


WIP and sketches are always great. You're likely to get better patron retention the more content they receive over the course of the month.


Thumbs-up! Go for it!


FeEd Us DaVe! Feed the beasts of patreon MOAR! In all seriousness though, only post more content if it doesn't bother you. I know it must be a hassle posting content on so many different outlets.


In some ways it depends. There are likely some who just want to see the end result. On the other hand there are many artists who read and enjoy these comics so they would likely enjoy and appreciate the WIP images and see your process for making your art.


Yep, more progress art if you don't mind.


Absolutelycan't have enough of your art! Post away!

Elson Wong

Personally a big fan of WIP and sketches. ;)