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The monthly sketch submitted by and voted for by the Patrons.   This one holds a special place for me- thanks everyone!

It's an illustration of what things would have been like, if Paige had never died, and they made good on their plans to escape and become bandits.  

PSD file coming tomorrow for the PSD-level backers, but wanted to at least get this up before crashing tonight.



Zor Underpaw

Omg, they look serious and yet oddly content. I guess it did turn out better for them than the orphanage

Matthew Dieck

I love this piece so much already. I will never not love this piece. Thank you so much for this one.

Matthew Dieck

...also, I'm choosing to believe "died" has giant air quotes around it.

Matthew Dieck

...one other thing I'd like to mention. It's neither here nor there, and this is certainly not an attempt at, nor would I appreciate any sympathy, but these past few months have been, actually, the worst few months of my life. Not for any reasons in any way related to DK or anything. This has been the last semester of my degree, so massive pressure from that to make sure everything's perfect, in addition to a 40 hour work week, problems at home... personal details aside, there was a brief period of time there where I wasn't honestly sure I was honestly going to get through it at all. Having the opportunity to work on that DK app and have it so willingly and readily accepted by you guys, and the community at large... it really made, in my memory, the largest difference in dealing with everything else going on lately. ...and now this piece becomes the June monthly. This, genuinely one of my most sought after pieces of artwork, becomes the monthly sketch for my birth month... I realize that it's by absolute, total random chance that it would work out that way, but... it still means a lot to me. Best unintentional birthday present of all time. ...alright... well... just... thought I'd share. ...I'm gonna go write more code.

Zor Underpaw

Well, happy birthday(month). And thank you for the App. I may have gotten us one more reader using it


Most likely They both would have still gotten involved in the conspiracy somehow. I love this and miss this character.

Garrett Simpson

This is a wonderful sketch! It would have been a hard life,but they would have been free to have done what they pleased and made a good going of it. :) The costume alterations remind me of the epic book series that is Dune,nicely done!

Matthew Dieck

Hey, your avatar is from Code Lyoko! Sorry, nothing to do with the comment, I know, but I didn't think anyone even remembered that show >_<


This is beautiful. It really struck a chord. Also this is a first look at the bandits. They were mentioned a few times in the prelude and the novels and i wonder if we will soon be able to see what lies beyond Anduruna.

Elson Wong

I have to say this again David... Mind blown. Alternate universe - arrrrgghh! *KA-BOOM* Maaan just imagine if... I can't... I just can't. I mustn't! I will stick to the canon till the end of time!!


Sorry about the rough patch, but glad to hear you're pulling through it. I think it will end increasing not only your personal strength, but your capacity to empathize with and help others. 8 ) You're an amazing guy!


Heh, I do tend to believe I'm a human virus looking for redemption. =^_*= Plus, I've never seen the Live as of yet.


It be nice if was best of both ♠️