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The Stream was awesome!  

Video link:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olsPt2oti1s&feature=youtu.be  (May still be uploading.)

Hours of fun- drawing nonstop art requests, while we had guests on chatting about everything from art, publishing, kickstarter fulfillment, philosophy, dicks- boundaries were broken.

Joining Dave & Liz were:

Riiser, of the WebcomicRelief youtube channel

Geo, author of the Wayward Astronomer

Skidd, co-creator of UberQuest

Scott, creator of StarWarriors

Darkspeeds, creator of Ashworth and comic video dramas

Boneitis, professional illlustrator and creator False Start and Vampire Hunder Boyfriends.

Tari, who coordinated the chat via Discord

Acus, currently working with a friend to develop a card game

Check out their comics, videos, and Patreons!

And if I'm forgetting anyone, bonk me on twitter so I can add you. The entire afternoon is somewhat of a blur at this point! But this was fun- thank you to all the Patrons who gave us something to celebrate, I don't think this will be our last party stream. E )    

All the doodles are attached below- some could be considered NSFW, maybe PG-13- just a heads up.




I'm really glad you uploaded these! I was unable to watch due to poor connection. I'm pretty sure your video is set to private though.

Zor Underpaw

Video is indeed currently set to private. Also, it seems that my request was never to be lol Mayhaps next time


I wish could have joined but got no computer at the moment and currently poorly with chest infection since Friday. Hopefully can join next time.

Scott Fraser

This was absolutely a great time. I love talking about stories with people as well. I hope we get more of these streams in the future.


We'll post recordings- and I hope the infection is feeling better! It's no fun being sick. 8 (


Sorry for late reply been still ill and been to the docs last week for antibiotics so its almost gone.


Smiley face looks like an egg.