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The prayers and goodwill flowing in are WORKING- I'm feeling better every day!   Thank you everyone for your incredible support.   Even while prioritizing health, I am getting back to doing some of the things we love.  E )





Just remember, bite size chunks are the best way to go. Never consume an energy field larger than your head.

Elson Wong

It's a blessing to hear you feeling better each passing day David. Continue to stay strong buddy, you're an inspiration.

Garrett Simpson

You’re a badass at handling life’s hurdles,I’m rooting for you!!


Glad to hear you're getting better. Please don't end up like San Goku and try to fight an alien invasion by yourself.


Take care and maintain! Good to hear you are getting stronger! Dave, Liz, please take good care of each other. You have many more years to live a wonderful life.


Ecstatic to hear your on the mend, we'd never survive the nightmares without you

Eric Ruskoski


Benjamin Varner

You have no idea how happy i am to hear you say that.