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We have encountered a bump in the road, and wanted to keep our readers and supporters in the loop about our plans to deal with it.

In the last week David has experienced a sudden onset of medical issues, and we just received a preliminary diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis.

We are in the hands of excellent doctors, and due to catching the issue immediately, David’s outlook is very good.  While MS is a serious condition, there is a robust array of treatment options that make it highly manageable.

David has stepped down from his duties as Con Chair for Couchcon On Ice, but the best staffers on earth are taking on the mantle and doing excellent work.

While he may need to delegate some management of Vivid Publishing, David plans to focus and continue work on the production of the Dreamkeepers saga, and we do not expect any delays to Volume 5 at this time.

We will keep you in the loop if that changes:  And we have developed contingency plans to keep the story thriving and moving ahead in case of any eventuality.

The story we love will continue, and so will we.  We are in good spirits, and hope to show just what the power of creativity and determination can accomplish for all of us.


Liz Lillie (with Dave delegating)


Christopher Winesett

Oh. I hope for the best outcome in these troubling times and wish Dave all the good fortune at my disposal.


Thank you for informing us of this turn Liz, wishing well for you both and a swift recovery and treatment for Dave! I'll also wish the best to you guys


2020 has struck so many all over....please, take absolute care and all the positive prayers and vibes I will be sending towards you all.


I hope all goes well! Sorry to hear that, hopefully 2021 holds better luck for us all

Garrett Simpson

I'll pray for you, I'm glad you 2 have each other during this trying year!

Scott Fraser

My best wishes to Dave, I'm so sorry to hear of this diagnosis :<

Tyler Crandall

I'm so sorry. I wish you both a shift recovery and treatment. All the best.

Shannon TJ

I really hope everything goes well for you two, I'm sorry to hear this ;;


I don't know what to say. Just get well soon. Please.


*angry muttering at the nasty way diseases work* Do well, Dave. And if the fates allow, may you be the first person to fully recover from MS with a replicable treatment.


When I first heard about something being wrong with David it was in Bone's TG chat. It was something about eating glass. Well, that is bad, but MS is, in my opinion, much worse. I do hope David makes a full recovery and is able to continue on with you, Liz, and all of his other friends and associates we've come to know and love. Here is my wish for a speedy recovery! You are both strong and I send my love to you. Please keep us posted. *** Willysilver ***

Paul Bibb

I'm hoping you get well and stable soon.


My best wishes to Dave. I hope he'll make a full recovery soon. Don't hesitate to put work on hold to allow him as long as necessary to heal up


I also hope the treatment won't cost you too much. I know how fucked up the american healthcare system is.

Eric Ruskoski

Look on the bright side. At least it’s not Unfiltered Scinter’s Mark! You’ll both be in my prayers!


I'm sorry to hear about Dave's diagnosis, I really wish the best for him!

Sam Bush

Sorry to hear, all the best wishes to you guys!

Benjamin Varner

Jesus Christ, that's certainly not a diagnosis you want to have!! I'm really wishing well for ya'll. I have faith that you guys'll make it through easily!


You're in my prayers.


This must be devastating for both of you. While we (the community) will always be eager for new content, I sincerely hope you take the time and space you both need to adjust to your new predicament. Wishing you both the best of luck.

Brighttail Faux Pas

As a person who has had to deal with heart issues himself, a wife with even worse heart issues and a father with Parkinson's Disease, I have some context of what you are going through. A lot of tests, more tests and trying to figure out a plan on how to move forward with your life. Thankfully, modern medicine is better than it was 30 years ago, so it is my hope that with the proper treatments and medication, you will be able to continue with your life the way you are accustomed to. While it will never be exactly the same, hopefully you can adapt and continue the way you have been. Remember there are fans who are sending their positive vibes your way and there are places and programs who can help you with information and support. Hang tough, Dave

Nicholas Parker

My thoughts are with you guys, and I wish ya the best outcome for a full recovery.


In so sorry for you! D: why does it hit the best people? Do you need more money for the meds?

Christopher Tracton

My best wishes. Take the time to take care of yourselves.


I'm sorry to hear that. Best wishes and take care of yourself!