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IT LIVES- the 15th Annual #Dreamkeepers #Halloween contest is rolling, open to entries, and art already appearing from the mists:  https://dreamkeeperscomic.com/HalloweenRules

This year's illustration has Silk and Cassie helping Vi concoct a questionable brew, as the bunnies form an accord.   Look carefully and you can guess the unwary object of this potion.

And if you haven't yet, please jump into the V5 IndieGoGo campaign!  The books are getting more and more gorgeous as stretch goals fall before the implacable readers: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/dreamkeepers-volume-5-assassin-s-flaw/ 




A fast favorite, loving the colors and overall mood of this piece! Watch out bobby! Is Vi wearing the dragon teal fabric from a Halloween past? So much love for this!


I'd totally buy this as a print, and I think I'm not the only one. Excellent work on this beautiful piece, Halloween is definitely the best time of the year

Garrett Simpson

Bunny buddies,great colors and costumes for the gals!!


I concur on all comments! Print, scroll, whatever! Nice work. And animated (background lighting) for the contest (saw on Discord and Telelgram channels).


I won't be able to attend this year's Halloween contest, I got a lot of important stuff to take care of with very little free time for art. 😅 But, all three ladies are looking quite spooky and alluring~ 🥰 And I'm pretty sure I know who the poor bastard is inside that cauldron. 😝 (Name starts with a 'B')


Love potion, but for who?

Death of Ink

Silk's my favourite!


And it would make a lovely print, I believe it's going to be our sticker this year too.