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If you ever wanted to bound around the Dreamworld- today you are taking a BIG leap closer.

Download and play the first-ever demo of the custom-coded Dreamkeepers game engine:


  • Instructions: Download the .zip folder and unzip it, then play the .exe on your PC.  Arrow keys, space, and 'J' are the controls.   [shift+exit] to get back to the menu.

It's a simple little character test- there's much more under the hood, including a full physics engine and fluid dynamics.

The Volume 5 IndieGoGo is going absolutely gangbusters- and the top stretch goals unlock more playable character animation for this ongoing game development.  You think MACE can hop around, wait'll you play as Namah!  (Or Bast... he's very angry.)

Folks have been asking how they can help- and right now, sharing this game demo with some friends, and telling them about the Volume 5 IndieGoGo campaign, is the most powerful way we can grow.  

So if you have fun with this, share it!  Invite folks to dive into the campaign and bring us closer to more playable characters, while they bring home luxurious golden rewards.

And, oh- don't forget to ask them which Faction they joined in the game.  ; ) 





If we can hit the slip covers before tomorrow night we will have hit 12 stretch goals in the first week, I really think this will help draw attention. This is gonna continue to be a golden campaign

Lord Kiyo

Some really nice animations. Would have to say the movement needs to be tweaked. Seems a bit floaty, or slippery with how he starts moving or controls. But I supose one can just get used to how he moves.


The animations are gorgeous however Mace is a bit slippery and it seems input could react quicker. I went to the bit with the bats and while i did jump on one the first time, it took me several minutes to do that again. Idk if the respawning bats have a different hotbox but you might wanna code it to react more to Mace's fall animation.


This might be a dumb question, but is this compatible with Chromebooks?


Is it just me or the game closes itself when i press play? Can someone help?


redownload, there was a bug that has been fixed.


Finished it today, i can say that mace is too slippery and that the bats are too small. We can barely see any details on them, just a ball with wings. I think it's a bit of a waste for your amazing art.


And with our first public-access test, we can begin refining controls potentially! There should be a room in the Discord for discussing the video game now.


Good input-There should be a room in the Discord for discussing the video game now, so if you get a chance pop in there as well! 8 )


I do not know- the coder might, we have a Discord room for video game discussion that would be a good place to check.


That was happening for a couple people! There should be a new version up now- and if it's still giving you trouble, be sure to check the Discord, the lead coder is in the Video Game room to help with tech stuff.


The bats are just placeholder sketches- we didn't have time to animate any final assets for enemy characters, but figured they'd be more fun than like floating cubes. The finished game will have sandmen, and a whole range of baddies in polished art form.