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The die is cast- Tia's ship lances into the night, headed for destinations unknown, based on the firsthand-account of the world's drunkest shark.

Looking forward to showing off some of the boat's design features, but time for that later.




Macy's ego is getting bothersome now. Kaleidoscope is also an important key just as Jeneviv was.


I'm confident with namahs comment that digo is gonna be ok. Maybe she took Tia's advice from the base. And kudos to liliths respect for books. Bookmark, I love it


I think Kalei is playing on maces language as a way to cope with what just happened. I look forward to their conversations

Death of Ink

He's a chosen one, she's a chosen one, everybody's a chosen one!!


Bit sad that Taphos wasn't used as a life energy reserve, the setup would have been great for that


Are there any more chosen ones I need to know about? *Whip meows*


Too bad this page couldn't come out earlier, coulda made a good plug for Vivid bookmarks on sale.

Garrett Simpson

Tia’s ‘da captain now!!!


Lilith: too exhausted to form a coherent response Also Lilith: Don't you dog-ear my f*cking book.

Lord Kiyo

Mace is so vain right now, wow. Their can be more than one important person.


I think it's pretty apparent that Mace only cares about the power for the sole purpose of protecting the newfound family he has now, and doesn't give a care about anything else. Also it could just be his own way of making her feel better about the events that just happened although I can understand how it may come off as a little vain.

That guy

Fun thought: neither her nor mace are the chosen one. But they are the ones who chose to step up to the challenge. Wow that’s dumb.

Eric Ruskoski

I since Kalei might have been deceived along with her sister into thinking they were chosen ones, then used for the awful ceremony that clearly required sisters to open a conduit. And Mace actually is the chosen one so he's acting the same way he was when he was like "Tooth-Gel?" =) Oh nevermind, she's speculating in that moment... =)

Eric Ruskoski

I'm very much enjoying these, so thanks, keep'em coming, and great job!