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A behind-the-scenes update on the Dreamkeepers video game.

Pushed to get Mace cel-shaded, and we have some gif samples to share.   The actual animation files have the shadow separated, which allows us to plug the cel shading layer directly into the rendering engine and achieve some EXTREMELY NEAT lighting effects. 

Environmental design will come later though- with a decent movement set started for Mace, I'm aiming to get some test modules in the works.  I want to refine movement mechanics, the stealth system, combat system, let playtesters run around in an area with some physics-engine objects, and see what happens.   

Couchcon will take center stage on our announcements over the coming month- a lot coming together there!  Skirmish tournament, Vivid wallscroll drive, full slate of panels and packed vendors room.

After Couchcon is accomplished, I'm hoping we'll be able to look at rolling out some preliminary test modules for the video game, and get the iterative loop started that will help hone the game as it is built up.  And of course Volume 5 production continues with the goal of a fall 2020 Kickstarter, and Tectomic is having art assets constructed in the backdrop as well.  

A lot in the works!  I have been meaning to post more Insider Access level production journals like this, providing a look under the hood at everything we've got cooking.  Cel shading took me longer than anticipated, so I was going full bore on that lately.  

Thank you for being the glorious driving force making this work possible.  We love it and I can't wait to start sharing some of the results!


(Note some of the animations have Mace's colors reversed, each movement has to be done with a mirror image version so he can do everything facing left or facing right.   It's not a mistake, and will be seamless in the final game.)




Damn! It's so smooth! It's really a treat to see your style animated. if all the game is like that the project will certainly be something to behold ^^


That's the plan! Like playing through an animated feature. Will require a few more sets of hands, but I want to at least set the bar with an initial playable character, and ensure we can get playable files in people's hands.