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What if everyone's favorite Nightmares got together to exchange their literary predilections?  

I don't know if I feel worse for the chairs or the barista.  Welcome to the COVER OF NIGHT.




I love everything about this

Shaun Albert

It’s been a while since we had a stupid prelude (as they call it)

Garrett Simpson

Even hellbeasts can be lovable goofs! Tekra’s a fabulous under appreciated barista!


Tekras story of how she lost her eye is still bether than Nick Fury´s....


our favourite barista!

Eric Ruskoski

I like how its a super Jaded DreamKeeper that's serving them the Frappa Mochas...

Shannon TJ

It's okay, Taphos, I'll love you.

Cyrus loken

Honestly i wish we saw more of the nighmares, canon or otherwise