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Titans clash as smaller players scramble to set up their line of action.

...Not entirely on topic, but we have been considering which characters to feature in the next expansion deck of Skirmish.  We'll be looking at that after Volume 5 releases.

But in the meanwhile, especially with quarantine keepin' everyone separate, we're bringing Skirmish online to TTS.   Stay tuned for announcements.



Death of Ink

So he can phase through objects? Cool!

Lord Kiyo

Evzin's mom is down? how that happen, must had missed it.


Cool power indeed, also we nearly at page 100. Kinda makes me wish I had access to the patreon discord channel again

Shannon TJ

Everyone is so lucky that Evzen's power is transferable to other people. If it only worked on himself... :0


Evzen is Danny Phantom. I love it.


Scuttles, Taphos, Smiley, Why do nightmares have such lovely smiles ^^

Shannon TJ

Looking at the last page, what I think happened is that Igrath getting thrown aside also knocked her down.