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A long-awaited reunion- and now we can confirm that Evzen is indeed a NorthHavenVille native.  (Although at this point in Prelude, Lilith is in the dark there.)  

Looking forward to showing more of his backstory in Prelude over time- meanwhile, onward with the graphic novel events.




So I'm guessing that because Mace's eyes are normal the Mokoi has a limited tracking range?

Garrett Simpson

Mace’s eyes are pretty again! And Kalei has magical girl hair!


Love Kalei's booty shot. Also hope they will give Mace more attention now

The Furry Centinel

Honestly speaking, I was expecting this to happen, I knew that sooner or later someone was gonna come up with the topic of Kalei's sister and she was gonna have another "power surge", or whatever it is...

Benjamin Varner

Damnit Evzen u triggered her!! XD like the reagent cameo, seems mace's eyes are BTN, especially love whips face in the fourth to last panel.

Lord Kiyo

Erm... wait what!? Okay this did not really flow much at all. It's like all of a sudden things were resolved off screen. Is this a parody? budget cuts? running out of movie time? How did Mace loose his alien eyes? How did Evzen get there? Was the base meant to be near by the whole time? Because the bioms don't look it. The interaction reminds me of the store scene in the movie, "The Room" Hi Jhony, did not know it was you. I want roses. hi doggie. bye people.

Zor Underpaw

Well I mean they teleported there so I doubt the base is anywhere nearby, the teleportation may have resolved Mace's eye problem temporarily, and as for Evzen... I think we're going to get trickles of information about how he got there (as well as who he is for those that haven't read the prelude once the books are on sale)

The Furry Centinel

Lol, I hadn't noticed that until now!! That is something funny about Whip, he seems so adorable and innocent on the outside but on the inside...😏

Shannon TJ

Kalei: *casually explodes*

Shaun Albert

I wish you would do Q&A again so we would know about the town


Huh. And here I thought that they would have to find a way to free Mace from the "Nightmare vision" after (what appeared to be) that butterfly beast swapped bodies with him. NOPE. Mace's back to normal again, all good! 😋 👍 I do hope that him and Vi will make up after their argument from before, but Scinter's got a LOT of explaining to do for attacking Mace's friends. And DAMN! What happened to Kalei?!?!?! 😮


Good to see Litlith has cozied up to Evzen after all those years.


Panel 2 is oddly satisfying.... THICC


I have to admit having Mace's eyes seemingly resolve off screen is incredibly unsatisfying. Even if it's temporary or even normal for someone who is marked to have their eyes to return to normal, having that event being resigned to nothing more than a character noting that they're normal is just disappointing.


I have to kind of agree. Makes me feel as if there's some big gap we missed somewhere.

Mark Temple

well it explains why they wanted to teleport him.. i guess doing so breaks whatever link the thing created.