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Possibilities galore!  Thank you to everyone providing venues- the response to this was massive! I tried to collect them all beneath the patreon post, I hope I've successfully included them all in the poll here.  Locations without a convention name, I didn't include because I wasn't sure where I would apply to, or if people would know what event they are planning on.

And without further ado, let's vote!  Me 'n Liz will do our damndest to attend the top three most-voted conventions or events.  And even the lesser voted options, we hope to expand our range when Volume 5 is published, so we'll see.

ALSO, NOTE:  We filled up the poll before I could add all the suggestions.  You guys we broke Patreon!  

I'm listing the final options here, to vote for them just add the name of that event as a comment below.  You can still vote on poll options as well, and I'll manually count up and factor in any comment-votes for options that aren't available on the poll.


Denver pop-culture con

Furry Fiesta Texas

Everfree Northwest





Calgary Comic Expo

 Further Confusion 




Thank you again!


Shannon TJ

I'll also vote for TCAF, VanCAF, and Calgary Expo. Hoping there'll be one Canadian con ;o;


Blfc D:


I didn't see it in the comments below our post asking for suggestoins- but this was a popular idea, so I'll probably do a convention Q&A poll every year. Stay tuned, and we will list any event people suggest. 8 )

Ben Berlin

I voted for midwest furfest but I would also like to put a vote in for the additional option of Everfree Northwest (also if it's possible my Twilight plushie wants to put in a vote for EFNW as well).


Further COnfusion is my vote


I cast my vote for Denver pop-culture-con. But dang that’s a lot of options that I don’t even know what they are.


I would love to see you guys at anthro northwest, I had no idea other people did too!


I'll be self-serving and list the cons I expect to attend...


Seeing you all at Blfc again would be great XD

P_D Animator

Well obviously, you'll just have to attend them all. ^^ Toronto Comic Con, Toronto Fan Expo, or Furnal Equinox. I'd jump at the chance to meet you at any one of them.