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We're back from the flashback- but in a place the story has never previously seen.  Prelude readers may be connecting some dots at this point- more to come!

Thank you as well for being patient with me 'n Liz while we were under the weather this month.  Feeling stronger, and hoping we can get back in the groove without exhausting our page buffer and needing a hiatus.   We'll keep you, our most stalwart readers, in the loop.




Must be cold that far north, seems nice and cozy though


Yes! We finally get to see Evzen appear!


And what may these precious little sea birds be?

Alarm Frog

Papa shark is nice and supportive

Benjamin Varner

Awesome page and power! Also, I'm glad you guys were able to take it easy for a while, you all deserved it :)


I think this is the furthest from the city we've ever been.

Lord Kiyo

Finally we see Evzen! And he knows his power!? And his father encourages it? interesting.


awesome to finally see Evzen


WHOOO! And Evzen enters the chat!

Shaun Albert

It’s NorthHavenVille (like from the extended map)


YES the first appearance of the best boi in the main GN


His power is breathing under water? Correct me if i'm wrong


Maybe NorthHavenVille is more progressive place than Anduruna? A place where you can use your power without being arrested? Or they just use it when no one can see them.

Nicholas Knudson

Honestly didn't expect to see Evzen in the graphic novel. If I'm reading this correctly, his power is water breathing?

Shannon TJ

I think his power is sand-swimming, but I'm not entirely sure :0


Intangibility. Sweet power