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 When dealing with the fate of millions of lives, is it worth sacrificing one?

Slight disagreement on that topic in today's Volume 5 page.




Ok I have to ask, is Scinter stupid ? I mean I know he is good with technology and all but, in his head the best way to kill Kalei is to casually walk up to her. And shoot her in front of everyone, really ? He's a freaking moron. How did he think it would go ? What that the other's wouldn't care ? That they'd just accept it and move on. The idiot might just have broken Troika.

Lord Kiyo

Lilith could end this real quick. All she has to do his touch his tail, witch would be rather simple seeing where it is. But looks like Bast is going to end this. They sure going to tarnish the kids trust in the Troika, and lose all that potential.


Holy crap he is dangerous. You really captured the feel of how deadly this guy is and cold to! Good job.


Scinter: his guns have guns


It is a high time for Scinter to use his power whatever it is. It was very stupid of him to try to murder Kalei in public. He should've have arranged her death to look like an accident.