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Emerging from chuckling speculation, this Prelude has been brewing for a couple years.   We didn't expect the subject to posthumously explode into the headlines again, but this idea still makes us laugh, so here it is!

We'll be at Motor City Furry Con this weekend, and our dealer table has been extended online during Couchcon:  http://www.vividpub.com/couchcon  



Shaun Albert

Fun fact MJ faked his death


He’s with Tupac and Elvis hiding out at furry cons

Shaun Albert

What are you talking about? Elvis has been dead for almost a decade


Does... this sort of thing happen often at cons?

Garrett Simpson

One glamorous con-goer! Doesn't lack for flamboyance clearly

arthur D. gonzalez-martin

why do i got the feeling that MJ would have been a furry at some point in his live?

Benjamin Varner

Dave and Liz meet the King of Pop


Daily reminder that MJ did nothing wrong.

Lord Kiyo

Yeah, crazy stuff is the unfortinant thing for anything.


I heard he wound up in the Antartic. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_F4BkPGSRA" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_F4BkPGSRA</a>

Shannon TJ

Your humans have four fingers, I love it