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Last week's TWC vote incentive- Tinsel lounging.   This week, I believe it's Vi art:  http://topwebcomics.com/vote/25545 

Thank you to the folks who voted last month- we went from nowhere, to hitting the top 50!   I'll probably put together some more vote incentives to keep the ball rolling this month, they're pretty fun to make.   

And thank you to our March backers!  Patreon and Dark Market combined got us to 2,165, 96% of the way to the Full time milestone.  Stay tuned for Chapter 14 updates to begin tomorrow, we're excited to share the next page.  




Such a villainous beauty~ ♥️


I’m not usually for tinsel... but damn

Zor Underpaw

I'm interested to see where regular vote incentives take us. There was a time we were hitting the top 30-40 regularly without them