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Hello to the new backers, and thank you for supporting our work!

This is the place for Volume 5 updates- but some backers mentioned they haven't had a chance to read all of Volume 4 yet, so let's fix that.

Backers can download the Volume PDF 4 here:  dreamkeeperscomic.com/EmergencyArchive/Dreamkeepers%20V4%20RGB%20PDF.pdf 

It's a big file, right click and save to download easier.

Thank you for reading, and for enjoying what we do.  8 )



Really cool !!! We gonna get the V5 update later this week ?


I already have the hard copy of Volume 4, so I would like to say Thanks to David and Liz for letting all see their wonderful work of art and story! Everyone, enjoy this work, it's worth the wait!


Honesty, I like waiting for weekly updates. Adds suspense and gives more time to think about what’s happened.