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Ref sheet for the Wayward Astronomer cast- NSFW version in the attachment.   

Finally, we have answers to the Big Questions.  




Haven't looked at the nsfw version yet but it certainly looks like the zebra (who's name I've embarrassingly forgotten) is packing something big.


Johnny !!! Right. Big Johnny then

Benjamin Varner

Fantastic work David!! They all look so expressive and awesome!

Benjamin Varner

Also, where's Dubs, marvin, and geno?


Lol Johnny's hair swatch xD

Garrett Simpson

Oh my,they all look rather strapping! Miri and Cassie are absolutely gorgeous~


Why even is there a NSFW version?

Lord Kiyo

Johnny in the NSFW. You swear he was a horse. Oh... wait.


So that if artists want to depict the characters accurately with less clothing ( be it nude or in a tanktop) they can get it correct.

.David Koudelka

Vanir(the black cat in pink panties),is by far ne of my favorite characters! She's just so sly and conniving! XD Miri's also awesome too, and I was kind expecting more sexiness from Marcus(No offense)...


Honestly thought they would have more... unique... parts.