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A magnificent weekend, and I noticed something unexpected.

But firstly, thank you to everyone who came to visit us!  From veteran comic creators to familiar readers and new faces, everyone was kind and engaging and made the weekend incredible.  

Also thanks to Geo for manning the table with us, helping promote his Wayward Astronomer novel.  Our table sold out of every copy we brought.

I thought raising commission prices would slow things down on that front, but NOPE.  I had a pile of fun ideas to work on, and just wrapped up our take-homes yesterday.

We also sold through every Plush Whip that we brought to the table, Prelude Collections, Vivid Sketchbooks- and that brings me to the new phenomenon I noticed.

New stoppers.  

Readers who are into comics typically stop and check out our table- which is why we've grown.  But we were getting new stoppers this Anthrocon.

Some people aren't initially into comics as much.  They would be strolling past- but their gaze would freeze on the Dreamkeepers Wayward Astronomer novel, and they'd dial in.  Or they'd look past the novel, past the comics- but notice the Skirmish prototype game box, and be pulled in.   

Speaking of which, some of the veteran readers & mods demoed Skirmish in the game room, and I hear it attracted a great deal of interest.

So my overall realization was that Dreamkeepers really is growing into something greater than the sum of its parts.  What began as a simple webcomic is emerging as a fully fledged franchise, with a concept robust enough to viably expand to new mediums.  And that expansion is having a snowball effect.

I'm looking forward to mailing Skirmish to our backers later this month, looking forward to continuing Volume 5 work, and looking forward to seeing where Vivid takes us all next!



It was such a blast! I too am really excited for all the momentum DK is gaining. Thanks for letting me help man the guns and I'm excited for next time!

David Koudelka

You're empire is growing. Soon you might(will) be as famous as Marvel or DC(Maybe, probably)! XD