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Milestone achieved!   

Huge thanks to the Patreon backers for another record month- and welcome to all our new backers!  

These elite readers are bestowing weekly Prelude for everyone during the month of June.

Another unlocked feature of 'Full Time' is a Chat 'n Sketch this month- scheduled for June 23rd, 3pm EST on our Picarto channel. 

Also this month, our final Skirmish boxed-game prototype arrived.  And, WOW!  It's like opening a pile of treasure.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RaVm4Cy84M

Just waiting on freighting, and we'll start delivering to backers of the campaign.  After that's done, we'll announce when games are available for public purchase.

And speaking of games- Faction War is rumbling again.  The test game this spring gave me a lot to chew on, and I finally got around to overhauling the mechanics.  Now there will be ryuu-nekos that boost Awareness, Manekales for mounted riding, and more.

Needs a bit more testing, but we're stepping closer to a public release for the first official Dreamkeepers roleplay system.

Also nailing some commissions this month, keeping up with weekly Prelude and Volume 5 updates, Boneitis and me may be on the Thoughtcops podcast soon, and we're prepping for Anthrocon in July.  

Thanks for enjoying the award-winning Undisputed Gateway Furry Saga, looking forward to bringin' you more.



“delivering to backers” but what about the people who missed the campaign and bought stuff through backerkit? ( just a nervous fan who has never done anything like this)

Garrett Simpson

Forward to Vivid themed world conquest?