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This week's Volume 5 update.  Thanks for keeping us rolling.  8 )




Supreme edgelord is pissed.

Benjamin Varner

Poor Lilith, she only wants to use one side of the coin provided to her, with good reason ofc :/


And Bast storms of in a bad mood. No doubt thinking angry and depressing thoughts, nothing new for him. $10 bucks says he blaming himself and he is gonna yell punch or break something (probably Mace) over something that isn't his fault. On a lighter note I really like Lilith in this page, not just because her shorts are showing off her very nice legs but because she doesn't want to take the risk of hurting anybody. She knows she isn't ready yet.


It’s commendable for Lilith to not want to drain life. However, that doesn’t matter when she’s unconscious or on the verge of death, where the power will kick in automatically and drain life from any nearby lifeform without discretion.

Madd the Sane

Yeah, he's walking. He's walking out of the room.

Lord Kiyo

That's just precious that she wants to be something that she is not. Your not a healer, your a life trafficker. And you wont be able to heal anyone till you realize this. Although Now I kind of wonder if Lilith can become immortal if she turned evil and sucked the life or youth out of others.


Lilith is -- aptly named. Her powers are effectively those of a succubus, able to pull (or push) life force from others. And based on a lot of the fan art, she can be seductive.


What she needs to learn to do is use the "pull" part as a weapon, store that, and use the "push" to heal allies.


That was...strange. I wonder where Bast is going to go.


I wonder where Mace, Whip, and Kalei are.

Garrett Simpson

Edgelord Bast chose the Renegade dialogue!


Oh Lilith, you didn't see your skirmish card....


She should practice on plants first. Suck it dry and then bring it back to life.

David Koudelka

First, Lilith, you might not have the choice now that you already know you're power. And best goddamnit, stop blaming yourself, it's not you're fault man!