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This weekend was a blast!  Thank you to everyone who came out to see us.  Here's a supply drop of the drawings we did over the weekend.  (See zip file attached.)   

Next up:  Catching up on Prelude, checking in on Skirmish manufacturing, and this weekend I'll be drawing up the commissions for our backers. 



Benjamin Varner

Can't wait for all those SAUCY Pin-ups!! ;D


Vi, you´´´ re drunk...

Garrett Simpson

Dave learned new skill:.zip files! This’ll be so helpful for saving your larger art dumps 😀


So is the Vi getting drunk and going topless thing canon ? Think she'd get teased alot about that. Along with the fact that the tiger guy didn't seem very interested in what Vi had on display, hehe poor girl he almost looks bored by the show she is putting on. Really like alot of the characters here, think they'd be interesting. Nice

Garrett Simpson

The Vi drunk is so hysterical and hot at the same time,dear goodness the reactions from the club dancers are golden!


I love the Silk and Volstaag pic. What is she saying in the small text though?

Garrett Simpson

Gaming shenanigans ahoy! At least now we know a character much more likeable (and lovely) than Randy is a gamer in that world lol


Now I wanna see Silk absolutely decimate Randy in online gaming. Esports exist in the Dreamworld, right?


It's not super canon unless it's in a book, but this probably happened at some point.


Hehe nice. Still can't get over how uninterested that tiger guy is, poor Vi. That club sure is a source of crazy lewd stuff, wonder what else has and will happen there ? Can just imagine Viscount reaction if Lilith and Namah jumped on stage there, he'd probably get a hearth attack. Also can't believe I missed the completey naked girl in the background of V3 page 14 in the water tank, talk about sneaking in some secret nudity there.