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It's official!

Last month met our "Full Time" milestone, so April has Prelude updates every week. Plus:

This month's "Chat n Sketch" stream will be April 21st, at 4:00pm EST.  And we'll get a contest in the works for May- maybe a caption contest, we haven't done one of those in forever.

Folks who paid for commission tiers, it's time to roll on your art!  If you haven't already, hit me with a private message here and let me know what to draw.

I'm disabling the commission tiers today. They may come back later this month, or next month, and then new people would have a chance to jump in.

Also!  Motor City Furry Con was awesome, I'm planning to release a .zip file tonight or tomorrow to backers of all the art we did at the convention table.

Thanks for reading, we'll be back on Wednesday with the next Volume 5 page.  

Quick Edit:  I'll make a post later this week asking for Chat-n-Sketch sketch ideas from the backers, so all the ideas are consolidated in the comments of that post.  



Congratulations on the milestone!


nnnnooooooooooo. why do you hate me? i am not in town on the 21st, so i can´t see the stream...but can i throw in a idea already?^^


Congrats do we just send you guys the sketch request and what not?


We'll host the recording once done- and I'll make a post asking for sketch requests later this week, so it's all consolidated in that comment section.


Yep! I'll be making a post later this week to gather sketch requests in the comments.


I can’t come to the stream. I have a recital that day


Thanks for the updates. One other not seen update question...Are the Skirmish kits going out sometime this month? Is everything on track or will we need to wait another month or so? I hope it all comes together soon. Again, thanks for everything you, David, and Liz do for this fantastic world of Dreamkeepers!

Garrett Simpson

Excellent news,I’ll be looking forward to it!


I’m new andNever seen a chat’n’sketch. What do you talk about and how do people ask you questions? Will it contain spoilers for those not up to date?


They have recordings of past chat'n'sketches on their YouTube channel. You could watch one to find out what they're like. Here's a link to one of their older ones. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjlHS0k5Fp4" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjlHS0k5Fp4</a>


We're still waiting on proof copies from our printer of the final cards, but updates on Skirmish are posted on the kickstarter page here: <a href="https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2083757038/dreamkeepers-skirmish-shadow-wars-of-anduruna/updates" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2083757038/dreamkeepers-skirmish-shadow-wars-of-anduruna/updates</a>