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Is this porn responsible for launching the furry fandom as we know it- and is it porn?  

Big Geeky Couch tackles the underground classic Omaha:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NUQF-_tXtA



Trygve Henriksen

Yes, it's porn... but no, I don't think that one started the furry fandom. Also those 'reviewers' didn't even bother to their years right. "straight out of the 80s"... (It was first published in Vootie in 1978) And according to Wikifur, the 'funny animal fandom' turned into the 'furry fandom' in 1983, when Vootie ceased and Rrowrbrazzle began publishing. You know, just googling around... something that IS possible while sitting in a couch...

Trygve Henriksen

Also see <a href="http://en.wikifur.com/wiki/Rowrbrazzle" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://en.wikifur.com/wiki/Rowrbrazzle</a>#Significance

Shaun Albert

Any relation to Peyton manning?


I don’t watch porn... I watch debates about porn