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Even though everyone loves the latest Star Wars feature length video game cut scene, the story fails at a fundamental level.



Even though everyone loves the latest Star Wars feature length video game cut scene, the story fails at a fundamental level.


Garrett Simpson

Hehe,you always did have unique opinions Dave. Good video though for sure


"Star Wars, brought to you by Disney." That sums it up alright. All flash, no substance. This is why I'd much prefer a movie series about the Great Hyperspace War. Back when both the Republic and first Sith Empire were both in their golden ages. All the awesome battles filled with not one force users and hundreds of easily killed mooks but hundreds of force users fighting each other.


I personally agree Dave, Star Wars has been running itself into the ground I enjoyed the first but since... It’s a franchise and that’s that an franchises run themselves into the ground for money, and people go back. because said movie is famous


And it was not written by George Lukas Only 5 of the 9 Star Wars movies made were made by him, and we know there will be another so only HALF of the Star Wars movies were made by him


As a former JW, I appreciate the joke you made


Finally got around to watching the movie, so I just now got around to watching this ^^; Really well thought out and worded Dave. I think I'd agreed with practically all of the points you addressed. I think my problem with the new Star Wars Episodes has been primarily about Rey as a character and "nostalgia" as the inspiration for the plots. While some of the new characters are (mostly) interesting, I'd agree that Rey really needs something to feel (at least) slightly conflicted about and not a pro at. And while I can enjoy the nostalgia the new movies so greatly try to pull from the viewer, the plot's heavy reliance upon nostalgia can't help me but feel like Disney just really wanted to go remake the original trilogy. Granted this is much less a problem in TLJ, but can you honestly not recall the Hoth battle with the ending, the Emperor trying to turn Luke (this time featuring "Snope.com"), and even the Casino side story feels like a confusing, unnecessary excursion straight from the prequels.