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And thank you for backing us!   Incidentally- we made an early announcement last night in the Discord weekly chat.

Since Wayward Astronomer and SKIRMISH illustrations have taken up so much of our production focus the past year, we're going to release preliminary Volume 5 pages on Patreon before the physical book is released.   The rough plan right now is to complete the first chapter, then release regular backer updates to you guys of that chapter while we finish the last two.  

We're thinking of having the early-bird Volume 5 updates be for backers-only, because you folks are sustaining all of these efforts.

So, thank you for sustaining all of these efforts!   We shall continue bringing you our best.  8 ) 




So does that mean no volume 5 Kickstarter? Was looking quite to that!


There'll still be a Kickstarter later- we'll need it to fund the printing of the actual books. It's just Patrons will be able to read the first chapter of Volume 5 earlier than everyone else.