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Get ready for Faction War.

We're testing out a new roleplay system- I ramble about it here.  Jump ahead and create your character in 6 easy steps:  https://youtu.be/kJaF77A3TuM?t=9m35s

The goal is to have a light, fast, fun roleplay that fields hundreds of players to participate in the same story- while putting them into a close-knit team of allies.  

You can, of course, die.   

We're taking volunteers.

I'm looking for maybe 16-20 players who want to try this out- preference is being given to existing community moderators.   The idea is that anyone interested in moderating jumps into this test game to learn the system-I'll make a video for every stage of the game to explain how it works.  Then, after our test is complete, the mods will take it public and run the show.

 If you're interested, DM us in Discord:  https://discordapp.com/invite/0119hlzTKxn9xDjvy  The game will be hosted on a special Discord server that is being set up now.

Character sheet templates and the full rules  are available here: 





Lord Kiyo

Sounds rather interesting. Not sure if I be able to do anything like that though with the things I have going right now.