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 It's time to save the Direct Market comic shops.   Hit us in the comments below with your top-ten list of indie and crowdfunded creators to spearhead the #ComicShopList- and spread the word. 



It's time to save the Direct Market comic shops. Hit us in the comments below with your top-ten list of indie and crowdfunded creators to spearhead the #ComicShopList- and spread the word.


Garrett Simpson

Hmm,too bummed about webcomics right now to jot down ten, but I do know I'd recommend Lackadaisy and Dreamkeepers both as stories that even in spite of the regrettable stigma towards the furry fandom can really be enjoyed by anyone who enjoys good comics once they crack open the pages.

Godel Fishbreath

Old Elfquest was great. Furry Experience is good. Dreamkeepers is wonderful. Doc Rat could use more exposure. Generally good. Many webcomics do not have paper. Girl Genius is good. XKCD is very good at times. Kevin & Kell is slice of life. In my opinion the best was from 2003 to 2005 but I like violence of that kind. Schlock Mercenary has a large following and is very good. Code Name Hunter is good, not sure if still paper. DMFA same Whiteboard and Precocious are good, not sure if paper. Order of the Stick is good. Housepets is good and I know they are in paper as well, amazon carries. TwoKinds is good and has 2 books out.


Since Godel has already mentioned a few I also follow I’ll substitute a few more to add to the list. I know the creator of The Sprawl is close to nailing down a deal with a publisher. I’d also recommend; Oren’s Forge The Tale Of Jasper Gold Orbit; Encounter Beyond The western Deep Dark White Bear Nuts Oops Comic Adventure Bearmageddon Scurry I’d recommend more but these are the ones that have proven to be fairly consistent in updates apart from the slight delay between chapters.


Hmm...what to list that hasn't already been mentioned... A few that I follow that I'm aware have printed copies are: Awkward Zombie Lucid's Dream Stand Still Stay Silent Sequential Art Slightly Damned I know that is literally half of a top-ten list, but those were the first ones that came to mind ^^


I've got a few more to add... though I don't know if they all have printed versions. Digger by Ursula Vernon - One of my all time favourite webcomics with a concluded story, and it's been printed. Inverloch by Sarah Ellerton - Another of my favourites, and it's also concluded, and I'm fairly certain it's been printed. The Phoenix Requiem also by Sarah Ellerton - Another concluded one, much darker in tone that the other ones on this list, and I believe it's been printed. Sandra and Woo by Oliver Knörzer and Puri Andini - An ongoing comic that's heaps of fun, don't know if it's being printed, though. The Abominable Charles Christopher by Karl Kerschl - Also lots of fun.

Ben Berlin

Lackadaisy by Tracy Butler, Housepets! by Rickgriffin, Tamberlane and Anaria by Jayelle Anderson, Twokinds by Tom Fischbach, Beyond the Western Deep by Alex Kain and Rachel Bennett, Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn, and many more besides. It is worth noting that a lot of these artists have methods to purchase copies of their work both digitally and physically. That said, it would be nice if you could get these in a local comic store rather than relying heavily upon amazon and similar sites to get the books and other items. Most of the time when I go to comic shops I glance around the main area to see if anything catches my eye, then I head for the kids section where I can peruse things more to my tastes than just built up men and slinky women in costumes fighting bad guys bang-pow style.


Woo for Indies! To add some that haven't been yet mentioned: Namesake by Fairylogue Press; Trying Human by Emy Bitner/Introducing Emy Productions; Tamuran by Three Dragon Press; and Title Unrelated by G. Pike.

Dustin Carpenter (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-24 17:16:28 Edit: Ok, so shift + enter for a line feed, good to know :) 1) Rick Griffin (House Pets) 2) Alison Acton (Bear Nuts) 3) Zack Morrison (Paranatural) 4) Gibson Twist (Pictures of You) 5) Tracy Butler (Lackadaisy) 6) Adriana Ferguson & K. Van Dam (Minor Acts of Heroism) 7) Alejandra Argote (StupidFox) 8) Mac Smith (Scurry) - Currently running a Kickstarter [hope that's ok to say] 9) Steven Stewart (Generation One: Children of Mars) 10 ) Tim Buckley (Ctrl+Alt+Del)
2017-09-08 00:48:24 Edit: Ok, so shift + enter for a line feed, good to know :) 1) Rick Griffin (House Pets) 2) Alison Acton (Bear Nuts) 3) Zack Morrison (Paranatural) 4) Gibson Twist (Pictures of You) 5) Tracy Butler (Lackadaisy) 6) Adriana Ferguson & K. Van Dam (Minor Acts of Heroism) 7) Alejandra Argote (StupidFox) 8) Mac Smith (Scurry) - Currently running a Kickstarter [hope that's ok to say] 9) Steven Stewart (Generation One: Children of Mars) 10 ) Tim Buckley (Ctrl+Alt+Del)

Edit: Ok, so shift + enter for a line feed, good to know :) 1) Rick Griffin (House Pets) 2) Alison Acton (Bear Nuts) 3) Zack Morrison (Paranatural) 4) Gibson Twist (Pictures of You) 5) Tracy Butler (Lackadaisy) 6) Adriana Ferguson & K. Van Dam (Minor Acts of Heroism) 7) Alejandra Argote (StupidFox) 8) Mac Smith (Scurry) - Currently running a Kickstarter [hope that's ok to say] 9) Steven Stewart (Generation One: Children of Mars) 10 ) Tim Buckley (Ctrl+Alt+Del)