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Vote here:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScI8ZnBZSkq1rsA1T9Hr8Crp0rDcdhpHmoyDj7fL8cSxq8yfg/viewform?usp=sf_link

The Patreon-hosted poll was giving me a persistent glitch, so this round of voting is hosted offsite for now.   Hop in, and vote for the questions that interest you most.  8 ) 


August Questions- Business & Character

The Patreon poll kept giving me a glitch for some odd reason. Hopefully that'll be fixed for next month- but meanwhile, vote here on what you'd like to learn more about for the August Q&A.


Garrett Simpson

You know how to fill a guy's inbox Dave,hehe

Paul Bibb

I included Option 13 in my vote :) Because, Option 13 :P

Paul Bibb

The 13th Option in the poll. But maybe if enough people vote on it, it'll become canon to the Dreamkeeper story :) Because there's always Option 13.