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We're calling this little snugglebug the Spine Puker.  ...Extra points for guessing what he does.



Paul Bibb

Pukes acid fluid from it's spine in a melt your face kind of way? Or attaches itself to the spines of it's enemies :)

Paul Bibb

Or pukes projectile spines at it's enemies :)

Benjamin Varner

Sings Tenor at the Grand Opera House?


The Spine Puker is a Nightmare which fires spikes from its mouth at DreamKeepers. When on an even plain, the Spike Puker fires rapid high accuracy spikes at its prey, but is limited to firing knly one or two in this focused state. When the Spike Puker is on a level beneath the the DreamKeeper, it fires a rapid series of spikes at the Dreamkeeper. These spikes have a much lower accuracy but fly at the target quickly, making it difficult to evade if the target has difficulty multitasking. When the puker is on a layer above the target, it barfs out a carpet of spikes which rain at the prey. These spikes fall at a normal speed, only accelerated by gravity. Their advantage is their wide area of spread, making them effective at taking down groups of prey. When a Spine Puker latches onto prey, it bites down hard as its spike begins to rapidly stab into the victim, effectively turning them into swiss .w.

Justin Burrous

Well looking at the design, I am going to assume that this creature can walk on multiple types of surfaces. Thus it most likely tends to ambush. It also has a dagger-like mouth which it could be assumed to rip into flesh. So my assumptions as to what this does is that it attacks vital areas of a victim most likely being the neck. Other potential features of it could be heat sensory based on the round spots on the side of it. Though that is just an assumption despite that it has not been completely detailed and those could just be extra eyes just as well.

Garrett Simpson

Diminutive little fiend! Not to sell the little guy short though,it would suck for our lovable heroes to catch a spike in the face even if those dudes are easy to take care of otherwise.


Is it wild life or a nightmare?

Dreamkeepers (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-24 17:17:33 This one's a nightmare. There will be a lot of wildlife too, but generally they'll be less lethal & aggressive.
2017-08-09 22:54:33 This one's a nightmare. There will be a lot of wildlife too, but generally they'll be less lethal & aggressive.

This one's a nightmare. There will be a lot of wildlife too, but generally they'll be less lethal & aggressive.