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I mentioned it last night during the weekly Discord chat, and you guys are supporting our time, so I wanted to get you in the loop:

We're currently doing a Volume 1 giveaway promo.   How it works:

E-mail me within the next 3 days ( Dreamkeeperscomic@gmail.com) and give me an address, and I'll send you ten Volume 1's.  

Voila!  That's all there is to it.  

Some people were a bit incredulous, so I can explain a bit more.

We printed a good number of Volume 1's back during the Volume 4 Kickstarter, with the aim of getting them distributed to stores.   The major distributors filtered us out of consideration, because our business makes less than 50K in gross sales annually.   So I had these books stored over on Amazon, thinking we'd just gradually sell them over time.

Turns out Amazon has long-term storage fees, so I want to store less there.  And what good are they doing sitting around anyways?  

Getting more copies of the book in circulation would be great marketing, so I'm marking it up as a promotional expense.   

So that means, hey- if you want to help us out, grab some books!  They can be gifts to friends, Christmas handouts, you can resell them, use them in charity drives, hit people with them, show them the light, whatever tickles your fancy.  But having more Volume 1s in circulation will help us net more readers.  

But I can only do this for a limited time, because after we get the books moved to more stable storage, I want to resume selling them like normal.

So if you're interested, drop us a line and snag some free Volume 1s- and thank you for backing us!  8 ) 

Warm regards,



Garrett Simpson

Already emailed,hope I got in early enough! Forwarded it to a friend as well for him to forward to more friends (current and former). I'll find my copies good homes!

Shane Andrew Asher

Whelp, I just Emailed, I'm sure I have a friend who'd be interested in Dreamkeepers

Lord Kiyo

Sounds like a cool idea. Although for me I don't know many people so I would not be able to make good use out of them. Hopefully there are plenty of people that would be able to make good use out of them all.

Benjamin Varner

Sounds like a plan, David! :D I might need to think about it a bit more, but otherwise I'd be happy to participate and send you an email.


This is a great idea if your local libraries have a graphic novel section. Jump on it!

Garrett Simpson

Free books,you're free to pass,but don't overthink it! They certainly aren't doing much in a warehouse,hehe!


Its a beautiful thing to assist in such a way, isn't it? I'd be honored to assist! We'll be sure to find them good homes! The library idea is superb


Currently at the Customs Office... They had a hard time accepting that someone would give stuff away for free, and that I don't just try to avoid custom fees. Still 7% on Market value (Germany) as fee, but hell, its worth it ^^