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If anyone is in the Reno Nevada area, we'll be at BLFC this weekend.   It'll be our first time there, we're looking forward to it.  8 ) 

Due to that, and some potential internet / workstation interruptions, we'll be pausing Prelude like it says up in the image.   Probably starting back up in mid June, after SKIRMISH concludes.  

Once we're back, the campaign is over, and everything is settled, we ought to be getting Volume 5, Prelude, and SKIRMISH art in the production pipeline.




Have fun! Ham Radio convention this weekend (June 2-4) for me, Seaside, Oregon, on the coast.


Oh...also looking forward to getting the new books! Thanks for all the great work!


Sounds good! You guys have fun out there!


That sounds awesome- so, can you guys communicate with each other right from your hotel rooms via radio? I didn't know they had conventions for that, I know very little about the subject. 8 )


Ham, or Amateur Radio, is all about two-way communication on many different bands, frequencies, and modes (analog and digital). Yes, we can talk room-to-room with our low-power VHF-UHF (very high and ultra high frequency) handheld radios. We can also talk around the world with more powerful radios and outside antennas on towers. Ham radio is also a public service for emergencies and other activities and events. Check it out! Lots of info on -ine.