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Trying out an upgrade to our newsletter- finally, people can sign up on their own without waiting for me.  E ) 


Our first tabletop game!

Apologies to anyone who received news about SKIRMISH twice- I've been managing our e-mail list by hand for years, and it was becoming too complex for me. I'm switching to try out a service that should streamline everything- so it will be easier for people to actually receive updates, subscribe / unsubscribe, and all that sort of thing.



I'd been thinking of signing up to your newsletter, but I'm lazy so I never got around to it. And suddenly I find that I am on your list. Proof that good things come to those who wait. :)


We had a listing of customers, but I don't want to contact them frequently without some sort of automated unsubscribe option- but now we have it. 8D So I can send updates out to everyone who wants them, maybe like once a month.


Sounds fair. Anything to make your life more streamlined. ;)