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The Wayward Astronomer is now publicly available in beautiful hardcover:  https://www.amazon.com/Wayward-Astronomer-Geoffrey-Thomas/dp/099782350X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1494344393&sr=8-1&keywords=the+wayward+astronomer

Which means it's time to post some art.  8 )    Check out the Speed Paint of this illustration here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=it33b0czzV0

Congrats to Geo on his novel release, and thanks to everyone for reading, and allowing this fantasy world to flourish.

We're only just beginning.



Benjamin Varner

This is a beautiful piece! Fitting for a truly wonderful read!! Kudos to Geo for such a good story and to you for helping bring that dream to life! ^^

Benjamin Varner

Will try to check that speedpaint out sometime


Loved the wayward Astronomer. There are some things i didn't like in it but that was otherwise a very good read, not to mention the physical book is gorgeous. Congrats to Geo and Dave for an excellent work. It's always good to have other media exploring the DK universe.