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JAMES, Director: Welcome to another edition of the Beyond Canon artist commentary. It’s been a great month for art over here. I had very little to do with any of it, but it is important I make an appearance in these.

Chumi, only knows one Mammia Mia song and yes it’s That Mamma Mia song: Update 5! Mamma mia! Harry Anderson is back! Here we go again! I’ll let the people who actually worked on this update take it away!

ANDI, clap if you think he should suffer: Hello again, it’s Andi. I did the art for Harry’s update. Let's have a look!

ANDI: Le Lalonde Living Space. This room was seen several times already in previous updates. We are now getting to see it isometrically. It was a bit of a new thing to try to color the room considering we usually only see isometrics in black and white, like John's house. But I think I did alright. The art director, Kim, did some floor planning to see how this room should have looked as a whole.

CHUMI: This house is so colorful compared to others we’ve seen, it’s almost uncanny.

ANDI: His house was actually designed by me back in page 180, but I didn’t really do visdev back then, simply because there wasn't enough time. But that's ok! Thanks to Kim, we figured it out!!

ANDI: I see you’ve all caught on to this. Look at them, man…. it’s a spitting image of their parents. It might be jarring as a reader to be confronted with them looking like this, and coming to the realization that they really are grown ups now. Harry is still a kid, his view of his parents is going to differ from ours. Some of us only ever knew the Betas/Alphas as kids, but they grew up, and a lot of us grew up along with them. When you’re younger and you interact with adults, you don’t really see them as individuals yet. We KNOW who these characters are by heart and to us, our perception of them is a bit stuck in time. But it’s always different for the child, Harry is still learning about them, he still has yet to really know them as we do.

CHUMI: WAHHH They’re all grown up… just like us…

ANDI: Now we know what the hell Vriska was doing off screen. Being a menace, obviously. I said before in the writer's commentary that this was an improvised decision. I really wanted to explore Harry's room. His room was very well thought out so why not give it a little more attention? The best idea I had was to give closure on Vriskas home invasion. There weren't a lot of references in this pile of scarves. There were in the wardrobe change panels though! More on that later. The only reference in this one is that Willy Wonka outfit. I’m not saying he cares for that musical. But I just thought it would be funny to imagine him in that outfit, that’s literally it. Woah, what’s that little plush doin there?

ANDI: Everybody, meet Sheriff Dry Hops (As named by our team member Haven). I also referenced this John panel. Except, instead of putting it back in the box, he takes it out!!! Do you understand the reference? Do you get it guys?? *eyes bulging* DO YOU GET IT?? We love callbacks here.

ANDI: This panel was soooo fun to make. Our technical helper, Joey (Wunkolo), helped me with this one since he’s pretty good at animating sprites. When I was writing down the base of the update, I really wanted him to explore his fashion side a bit. I pretty much referenced Jade’s wardrobifier here. Guess how many references you can see! My favorite is the turquoise sparkly one and the cow one, although these weren’t a reference, I just thought they were cute designs. Or are they....

CHUMI: Feferi reference spotted!! And the Fef fans go wild (me).

JAMES: Guy Feferi

ANDI: Thank Miles for this one. We were on call trying to figure out how to display Harry’s disgust and he had a brain blast and suggested we do this. Best idea ever.

ANDI: Oh, the mayor… I miss the mayor.

ANDI: I’ll go ahead and confirm that these two at the bottom are the influencers. Some of you guessed right!! I’m sure you can figure out who is who.  Avril isn't really a friend of Harry's but I imagine he will add anybody and everybody in the school like the social climber he is.

ANDI: Ahhh, I really loved drawing this panel. It’s a good mix of hero mode and bean mode. So nostalgic…. And they look so cute. One thing I love about trolls is how bug eyed they are. I mean.. they are biologically kinda like bugs.

ANDI: What the fuck are these two looking at!!!! Only time will tell, stay tuned..

ANDI:  Uhhhh idk, what else. Oh! Here, have this weird sprite. It’s really weird, and kind of unsettles me. I will share it anyway.

ANDI: Anyway, Thanks guys for all the love!! Can’t wait to do more art for future updates!!!!!!!! And thanks Kim, as usual for being a great helper on all this!! And thank you Miles for suggesting some really funny visuals for it!!! Cya next time~

JAMES: That wraps up this month's edition of the Artist Commentary. Great Job Everyone! Go home!



Love fashionable John, especially knowing he’s a dork