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Chumi, King of the Junjle: Ahh, the Second Update! Update Two. Two Vriskas. A sweet recipe, if I do say so myself. We can never get enough of her, it seems! Understandable though, I love watching the two of them interact. How often do you get to hang out with a younger genetic clone of yourself who’s been lovingly raised by two of your own good friends? Well, how often do you get to hang out with an older genetic clone of yourself who is this almost mythological figure you’ve only heard passing mention of? And when Vriska calls Vrissy an imitation… Owch! Vrissy then goes off and kicks some ass though, so all is well and good. She didn’t let it keep her down! Also, seeing her rendered in stumpy-sprite mode is so cute!!!! Gosh, I just can’t wait to see more of her!

Andi, warrior of light: Haven did an incredible job on this update, everyone is finally finding out what the HELL Vriska is up to. Of course, dragging her younger variant into Jane's ambush. Anyway, I love this update. From the style, the compositions, the colors, to the classic animation style of jittery goodness. I am pleased to see it all in its final form.

Kim, still gay: Not to sound like a broken record, but I cannot deny what is true– Haven’s work for this update was PHENOMENAL! Where do I begin– I loved everything from the visual gags, Vrissy kickin’ ass, Vriska snoopin’ around, the drama of Jane… EVERYTHING! The beginning of this update was especially fun, because as soon as we all realized we had the opportunity to do a Jailbreak reference, how could we not do a bit of a throwback? The girls are in jail!!! Of which they need to break!!! It was simply waiting on a platter for us to do one.

Plus, something you as the audience have probably noticed by now, we’ve been trying to reintroduce back more sprite panels! We, as a team, all agreed that the sprites are one of the most iconic parts of Homestuck, so we’ve been trying to take into account how we can incorporate them a bit more into the comic that’s fun and symbolically makes sense. Aside from it being iconic, I also just think their little sprites are so funnay and it’s fun to move them across the map like playing with Barbie dolls LOL.

JAMES, Director: Man, we made Haven do so much work this first month. Everyone please lift your hands to the sky and lend Haven your energy.

HAVEN, Supercharged: AAAHHH!!! I can feel… all this energy…!! It’s giving me the power… to commentate!!

HAVEN: When I started, I immediately knew I wanted to start with some Jailbreak shit with Vriska sitting in the spot where the p*mpkin would be usually.

HAVEN:  TG: Harry Anderson Egbert! GG: Tavros Crocker!  RG: Ruthie Gold! GC: Not allowed to say!

HAVEN: Here's a better look at that Intellichum user interface.

Kim: I always thought this was a particularly interesting detail that Vrissy had an incognito chat app compared to the others cos’ her moms were of the few most notable figureheads of the rebellion on Earth C. She’s gotta keep her chats underwraps from Crocker peepin’ at her messages!!

HAVEN: Took the key and hand from the og panel and made this shitty tileset myself. Spent an embarrassing amount of time making all the tiles line up on the floor in perspective.

HAVEN: Enter, The Goon. Yeah, the table didn't make it into the final.

HAVEN: This sketch of the goon trying his damndest to get this donut is one of my favorites.

HAVEN: There was gonna be a “Vrissy: Try Harder” panel between 460 and 461 that never made it.

HAVEN:  While wholly unnecessary I still went and made a left facing Vrissy for this panel. If you see left facing Vrissy (LFV) in the future, you can say to your friends “hey, haven made her face left here.”  And they’ll say “okay?”

HAVEN: Endless goon hallway with the conveniently placed air vents metal gear style.

HAVEN: Crockercorp Defense & Private Security posters

HAVEN: Vriska having a good time as Vrissy realizes Vriska is kind of annoying as shit.

HAVEN: I love this part here because Vriska can just fly. She’s just trying to make Vrissy feel like this is a real team effort between them.

Kim: Also, it’s a cramped ass vent!! Seems like a hell of an inconvenience to crawl through there with your big ol’ wings out!

HAVEN: Vrissy doing her thang, Jail: broken.

Kim: This whole particular bit here is really interesting to me as well, because just earlier Vrissy said she never really utilized her manipul8ion powers all that much. Now she’s goin’ ham! Then again, it must be really easy to mind control a Crocker goon because like most video game mob goons, they really don’t got much goin’ on in their heads LOL.

HAVEN: Chilling on the bed of a truck and Harry’s pestering her over… SOMETHING… It was going to have this callback panel here edited to have 8 L’s instead of 20 like the og had.

HAVEN: The troll memorial meteor in the image here referenced from the HS1 credits.

HAVEN: This panel originally had standard sprite heads for the characters! The choice to swap out for more guardian-esque heads came about pretty late into production. Does this mean you could see some of the adult’s sprites styled differently eventually…? Well, look no further…

HAVEN: incredible

HAVEN: And lastly, this panel went through a bunch of iterations before I settled on this more symbolic approach.



Happy to see separate comments from all the artists. It feels way nicer than just faceless "team commentary". Also seeing dolls/sprites whatever you call them again is very fun. Love the storyboards too. The left side facing sprite is a lot remembering how they used to be just mirrored at the start of homestuck causing a lot of confusion for artists and cosplayers XD Art is amazing, you all doing an amazing job! Rose


I was so happy to see Vriska again!


Ngl I was kind of disappointed that the jail sequence only lasted a handful of panels. Some may say it’s played out at this point, but the literal “locking up” of the story in HS1/Jailbreak, stuffing so much comedy cold into such a confined space, was what made the prior stories so great. As soon as the panel with the key showed up, I got so hyped to see how it would play out, what kind of nonsense would prolong their jailing. To see the “try harder” panel got cut, making the jail sequence even shorter, is really unfortunate. Still, the rest of HSBC has been great so far and I’m excited to see how things continue to develop