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This art is.. uhhhh


seems a bit earlier than usual... maybe its safe to assume we wont be getting commentary for chapter 15 at this point?


yo they used the always sunny meme lmaooo


This update made me miserable. Why did you drop the gorgeous art style of the previous updates? What's with this nonsense about "fucking up the timeline"? It felt like whoever was previously working on DDD was unceremoniously shunted out of the artist's seat and replaced by someone who just wanted to get back to the human characters as quickly as possible. Very disappointing.


Think tis part of the joke here. That dad crocker basically sequence broke everything and they have to patch it up, so it wasn't that story anymore.


really enjoyed this update, felt very homestuck


Homestuck: the one pair people forgot to ship


Lately, the perceived lack of quality in the art department is something that saddens me, as it drags down the writing and leaves people – myself included at points - to be more skeptical of its quality in turn, which I believe is part of the reason that lead to some people feeling like Chapter 15 felt OOC. This being a sequel of sorts, it also speaks to the ability of the writers to add upon a story that we know all too well in a way that feels consistent, not in its themes and narrative structure, but the essentials of it all, as a character-centric tale with a lot of concepts people hold dear. It’s hard to say what being OOC is, in a story where each character has many different selves – especially one focused on what “feels canonical” and what doesn’t – but I don’t believe it has happened to HS^2, it just feels like a pitfall that’d be easy to fall for. And it’s not like that the art is bad, there’s actually been some panels that I’ve enjoyed a lot by themselves, such as Jade sitting down in her pile, or some shots of Dave on the couch. The issue, I feel, comes when this follows multiple chapters of what, to me personally, is work that’s a beautiful interpretation of HS’s hero mode artstyle. That plus the fact that many backgrounds were given a lot of attention to, is something that not only made me enjoy updates a lot more, for a lot longer, but is also something that made the slower update schedule of HS^2 pretty understandable. Make no mistake, the original HS’s fast update pace was questionably healthy for Hussie as a person, and organizing a team of artists probably precludes this being a possibility, unless consistency was to be sacrificed for quantity. The pandemic doesn’t help one bit either, and I hope the team - both old and current members – are doing as well as possible under the circumstances. I don’t want them to push themselves to reach some arbitrary goal of “good art” that is expected of the work, if it’s something they aren’t in a state to create. And I don’t wish for the story to take another hiatus if they do desire to continue to work on it. What I would appreciate, however, would be some transparency about the situation. There’s a lot of negativity going around regarding HS^2, and while this wouldn’t change people’s opinions on what do or do not enjoy, it would serve to clear things up about the short term fate of the work and the people who are creating it. For me, a really exciting thing was seeing so many fan creators I enjoyed being brought into something official, as even if it was already happening in the VNs, a “sequel” felt much higher profile. And while a good amount of them have left - for reasons I’m mostly unaware of - the ones that remain are still ones I put a lot of stock into. Aysha has been a really appreciated presence in official HS work - especially Friendsim - and feels like the face of post-canon Homestuck. Lalo did a lot of my favorite routes in Friendsim and I look forward to their future contributions. With my faith in Vast Error, Pip’s work in its own VN by extension gives me hope in their work. While to me, Homestuck’s visuals have always served an ancillary role to the storytelling, helping deliver it and not really being a focus itself, most artists that work for HS^2 have done some stellar and memorable work in the past. This is all to say that while I’m not currently happy with HS^2, I strongly believe in its concept and artists, and would really appreciate hearing their opinion on the current state of things.


100% agree man. There is jsut this big cloud of doubt around homestuck^2 and such. Yea the art in question wasn't as detailed and quality as others but no one looked at homestuck stuff for consistency. WE are all allowed to not like it but there is FAR too much effort being put to put down the work, demean the efforts of the artists and writers, and generally is just being a bummer in general.... i DO think that in terms of pacing they gotta speed up shit personally, but that is a different flaw from a lack of effort.


Oh hey I missed this one! I'm...honestly even more confused than before, but the character interactions were fun and the idea of Snowman as narrative boss owns bones. Seriously though what the fuck is going on with Slick??? I highly doubt he's actually dead, and if he is I bet he's just gonna be replaced with another Jack, otherwise IDK what the point of him even showing up would be. Also the art is fine, you can't expect Haven to do every damn panel in the Catnapped/DDD side-story. My only real issue with the update is that I don't fully buy DD's reaction to Slick being offed, if he truly is dead. Like I don't expect him to get all weepy or anything (especially given the current state of their relationship, whatever the specifics may turn out to be), and I can attribute his lack of reaction being in part to the disorienting nature of the shenanigans going on ATM, but I feel like he should have at least a moment of contemplation concerning what he believes to be the death of the dude he was basically mooning over in a bar a few hours ago. Unless maybe he thought Slick was dead before and this is just a return to what he thought the status quo was? IDK, I just know that while DD is an extremely cold dude, he isn't so emotionless that I buy his complete lack of reaction here. That said, this is probably a miniscule issue in the grand scheme of things, especially considering, as I said, I highly doubt we've seen the last of Jack / Slick in this plotline.