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Loved the update, burst out laughing multiple times, Dave is best broson


just want to throw in my 2 cents and say i think yall are making good shit, and the work you put in is appreciated! the comments about the art style are pretty weird to me cause homestuck has always had an inconsistent, wonky art style, and also the art is actually charming as hell? anyway, i fucking love dave, what an endearing dude


(I should make a habit out of commenting more often haha) This update was charming and very cute. I always love seeing Dave and hearing from Roxy for the first time in awhile! Maybe it was a little slow, but Hiveswap act 2 must have taken up a lot of time for you guys. Just finished that yesterday and it was a blast. Anyway I can't wait to see what next month brings, thanks!!

Daniel Kelly

I like how, now that alt-Calliope is gone, there's no narration in this chapter because there's no narrator (further calling attention to the question of why Candy has narration and where that's coming from), and the joke that Roxy was just offscreen during the Davekat kiss is funny, even if it's technically a plot hole who gives a shit it's not important enough to worry about. There was also Dave calling back to Kanaya's story, which now that it's been mentioned twice narrative convention (and common sense) dictates it'll probably be relevant and thus worth remembering. It's very frustrating that Jade apparently has no reaction to being free now and no thoughts or ideas of her own. Did she even tell everyone that Dirk has similar narrator powers, as alt-Calliope told her? I presume she did. Is anyone, like, concerned about that? Maybe that would be a fresh new take on the "Can Dave kill Dirk" conversation if that's something you wanted to re-emphasize, talking about whether it's physically/logistically possible in order to lead in to the more important question of if Dave is emotionally prepared to do it (again). Dave is possibly the only person on the ship who's powerful enough to fight Dirk (depending on what powers, if any, Jade has without the Green Sun around). I bet he's feeling a lot of pressure over that. Everyone's counting on him, and him specifically, to kill his brother because he's the only one who can, and if he fails it could cost Karkat's life. Or maybe no one's counting on him and he doesn't give a shit. I dunno. No one on the ship seems to have any opinions on anything any more. For all Dave's speeches about how he's afraid Karkat will get hurt, he sure isn't doing literally anything that might better prepare him for the confrontation with Dirk so as to reduce Karkat's chances of getting hurt.


I really like these interactions. Love the little breather we get from all the Candy.


I am so glad callie is back!! I hope they get a cool outfit too!! Loving all the character designs!!


Great update HS team! Love the Dave and Roxy banter :)


I have no problem with the change in art, but I feel like there was a noticeable change in writing quality. This felt like early HS Dave writing, which isn't to say bad but rather like it was a younger version of this character. Another major inconsistency is actually starting to make me hopeful; the extra laundry room room and Magically Appearing Gamzee inconsistencies must surely be part of some eventually-revealed narrative plot, right? The dialogue and jokes (like that Karkat screaming and :O at the end and Callie being in the vents) felt old and kind of out of place. As others have said, it was also another "nothing" chapter where there's not really any story or character progression, which is extra frustrating when its now once a month and it ends with what would have been an interesting question (can you bring yourself to kill your "brother"?).


I get where people are coming from with the frustration about the lack of momentum in this particular update, but I appreciate the comedy in some of the lines. Like Dave saying he hadn't used his time powers in forever and Roxy cutting him off to say he used them to turn a banana less brown the previous day is gold. Had me laughing


Art is sloppy and looks like it hasn't been quality assessed at all. I pray this is a plot thing, because for a paid product it's a bit awkward. (The table with the corners that don't line up is my favorite.)