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November WIP and December Poll!

  • "Twelfth Perigees' Eve" (Beta trolls) 41
  • "Decorating" (Alpha kids) 24
  • "Around the Hearth" (Omega kids & families) 59
  • "Snowball Fight" (Hiveswap trolls) 17
  • 2020-11-09
  • 141 votes
{'title': 'November WIP and December Poll! ', 'choices': [{'text': '"Twelfth Perigees\' Eve" (Beta trolls)', 'votes': 41}, {'text': '"Decorating" (Alpha kids)', 'votes': 24}, {'text': '"Around the Hearth" (Omega kids & families)', 'votes': 59}, {'text': '"Snowball Fight" (Hiveswap trolls)', 'votes': 17}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 11, 9, 22, 52, 51, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 141}


Hi everyone! November marks the first month of our new tier, and what better way to commemorate its birth than with some... DEMOCRACY.  Just to remind everyone how this works: every month starting now, you can vote in polls to determine what the next month's illustration will be. Each poll will consist of four potential prompts, including a theme and a set of characters. This month, all the prompts were chosen by us and are themed around the holiday season. HOWEVER, if there's something you would like to see further down the line, then comments section is a great place to suggest ideas.  

The poll will be open for one week starting today, so you've got plenty of time to agonize over your choice.  Finally, as a little thank you for participating, here is the sketch for the November illustration! We'll aim to have the finished thing ready for you as soon as possible.



i would really like to see yiffy, and "around the hearth" seems the closest to that


though seeing a new image of roxy that isnt either of the versions we've gotten in hs2 would be an excellent treat.... i changed my vote to alphas, though i would hope callie is there too since shes basically an honorary alpha kid


Are the beta trolls beforus or alternian?


alternia. its why john's group was the beta kids, cause the beta team succeeded... sorat