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(sorry the post is late, i got very flustered by twitter being down and didn't know how to act) 




Damn you for blowing up dat house! It has survived soo fucking much!


thanks Homestuck


chills from those last few panels


okay now I'm confused. since when did jane er....the batterwitch gain control of a buncha Dave clones? or uh people who kinda resemble him sorta?


Listen. I still love Jane and all but like......she lost how to feel empathy and compassion. Gurl. Get it together. :'(


I believe its meant to be more of a "Secret Services" look with the black out glasses, to me the creepy part is that Jane has intentionally shaped her elite agents to kind of look like replications of her, with the shaped hair/batterwitch look. Jane truly has leaped from "Capitalist nightmare woman" to "Straight up making bond villains look reasonable in comparison"


Kinda fearing Vriska's gonna do to Vrissy what she did to Tavros, in terms of "grooming". As was done to her by Doc Scratch


I can't help but imagine vrissy gets captured here. Vriska doesn't spread luck around after all


Vrissy is most likely a light player herself. Her namesake and one of her moms sharing the aspect


https://homestuck2.com/story/344 <- Should be “whose” there.


every update has at least one typo lately


Why ya do this to my boy


Honestly at this point my only issue with homestuck^2, more or less, is the pacing. Yall are taking forever to get shit started.


I did the math a couple of weeks ago. If you go by number of pages, HS2 is up to Acts 1-3 of Homestuck, before stuff started to kick off.


True but she probably has a totally different class than vriska, and may not be able to tap into it yet.


Least we can say that homstuck 2 has been slightly more productive than that. still there is a charm to that.


action all the time wouldn't be good pacing either. tension is still building even as things are kicking off. the rebellion is now and war is imminent. john's house, THE house, a symbolic representation of homestuck, of everything that they did to make this new world they are in, was burned to the ground. things are happening

Daniel Kelly

I don't think that's entirely fair. Homestuck 2 is only a little bit longer than Act 1 of Homestuck 1, and despite being saddled with a larger expository load, has already introduced four new kids, had Jake rejoin Crockercorp as an undercover spy, developed the relationship between John and Harry, set up the new session, and blown up John's house. Act 1 of Homestuck was pretty much just John getting into the game.

Daniel Kelly

Or, if you want to compare it to a place where HS1 was moving much faster, HS2 is currently a little over half as long as Hivebent, so we've got a good six or seven chapters before that comparison becomes fair. If it feels slower, it's because HS2 is "merely" updating an average of 1 page a day


... That.... that is kinda true actually.