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Oh it’s these guys again. You thought they were throwaway characters?!?? HA! 

Actually, so did I. If I’d thought I’d have used them again, I probably would have given them less obnoxious quirks. But hey, what’s the act of creation but accidentally getting attached to bullshit and running with it?

Anyway, these guys all have lore hints in their names, and I could tell you what all of it is, or you could probably just do some research, look at them in a mirror, whatever. Except for Silas--you can’t google that one, so I’ll just tell you. She’s named after a burner pokego account. Sometimes it’s just like that. 

These guys all have pieces of backstory and hobbies and some have friendship and romantic inclinations, but we may see more of them in the future, so I am not gonna unload this all too early. Also that could totally change between now and the next time they show up. Enjoy your morsels as you get them.

Some more behind the scenes shit is that originally there was going to be no adult figure, just the three of them working shit out. Then it was just gonna be the principal being a plant, but (though I know there are some good-aligned principals out there), I couldn’t bring myself to write one, so that character split into two. 

Another thing about this trio is their relative unimportance. They are not gods or the children of gods. They are just 3 assholes going to school and accidentally getting wrapped up in revolutionary activity. This sometimes happens when a revolution is occurring around you. 

Clout is the mind killer.


Ben Kaw

funky mystery music plays