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Homestuck^2: Beyond Canon

ROSE: Your attachment to my comatose body is unexpectedly charming, as well as slightly sinister. ROSE: She isn't going to do anything. ROSE: She isn't coming back from where she's gone. TEREZI: YOU N3V3R KNOW ROSE: Yes, I suppose that's true. ROSE: Anything can happen, you can't see the future, etc.



hell yeah


so good


Absolutely adored this chapter, the visuals were stunning and good god I love these seers.


Pretty sweet, although I partly agree we have gone very hard into the relationship discussion phase of Homestuck and we need to see more suprising things (Like Dirkenstein's Monster), Maybe even some HTML 5 interactive pages and animations too, because its been a long time since we had such things. (And yes I know flash is dead so that's why I mention HTML5)


two depressed lesbians who lost their wives in the war are making out


homestuck has been 1025% into the relationship discussion phase™ since act 6 started and i am so fucking happy for it

Daniel Kelly

I get that it's supposed to be hypocritical that Dirk complains that the plot isn't moving fast enough when fully half of Homestuck 2 is just him jerking off about his own euphoria instead of doing anything, but it's also getting very boring


I'm just happy ANYTHING is happening at this point


it's also just them growing up. the kids were only 13 when it all started...16 by act 6 when the relationship discussion doubled down


hard disagree, thought it was delightful postmodernism (granted, I'm a sucker for postmodernism)


I'm in the same boat. I am giving the writers the benefit of the doubt because there's the potential for this to grow into something great. But right now? It's not fun or interesting to read. The images have been pleasing to look at and I enjoy the larger artworks quite a bit. But the writing... I feel like my freshman high school english teacher would have failed me. It over explains, feels like it assumes the reader is stupid instead of smart, redundantly re-hashes things that are obvious right in the art a centimeter above it, and just lacks an ability to have fun with itself. I really hope it's just the newness of everything getting settled out and the writers will find their stride shortly. I hope they can be willing to risk trying new stuff, being silly, and look to not just tell a story, but to create something new that the world hasn't seen before.